Your advantages:
- Tool holder according to the world-renowned BMT interface
- Simplified access to the exchange station is always provided
- Several turrets can also be equipped from the same field office
- The holder change is possible manually and automatically
- In the case of automatic changeover, only one tool holder magazine is required
- The clamping position is controlled via the machine control, as a consequence no incorrect clamping possible
- Very high clamping force of approx. 180 kN
- Insensitive to vibrations that occur during machining
- Applicable for all BMT tool holders (fixed and driven WH)
- The tool holder head can be freely designed, because clamping takes place directly on the shank
- Changeover time less than 10 seconds
- High changeover/voltage reliability, as no external components are required, system is operator-independent
- High availability due to simple, safe clamping mechanism.
- Less changeover errors, as the holder is only exchanged at one and the same turret station
- Increased process reliability in combination with Industry 4.0
For increased productivity, the turret and the tool system are matched to each other as a unit